Switching to Solar Power


Switching to Solar Power: A Simple Guide

Transitioning to solar power in the UK is straightforward with Solent Renewables. Here's our simplified installation process:

A member of the design team on a video call discussing design options with a potential customer

1. Initial Consultation

  • Start with a consultation with our design team to discuss your solar goals.
  • Our experts assess your energy needs and property to provide personalized designs, and you can ask questions to understand the process.

A person wearing a high vis vest and hard hat conducting a solar survey.

2. Site Assessment

  • Our team conducts a free site assessment to ensure your property is suitable for solar PV installation.
  • Factors like roof orientation and shading are evaluated for optimal solar panel performance.

An image of a solar designer working on a customized system design.

3. System Design and Quotation

  • Our experts create a customized system tailored to your energy requirements.
  • Receive a detailed quotation with financial and environmental aspects explained clearly.

An example of a solar panel system that did not need panning permission

4. Planning Permission and Permits

  • In most cases, UK solar PV installations don't require planning permission thanks to Permitted Development Rights.
  • We guide you through regulations and paperwork if necessary.

An example of a solar panel system during installation

5. Installation

  • Our professional team installs solar panels securely in a few days.
  • Safety and efficiency are our priorities.

An image depicting the grid connection process.

6. Grid Connection

  • Certified electricians connect your solar PV system to the grid.
  • A generation meter measures electricity production and export for benefits.

Testing and commissioning undertaken at the end of a solar panel install

7. Testing and Commissioning

  • Rigorous testing ensures efficient and safe operation.
  • Any issues are addressed to meet safety and performance standards.

A Solent Renewables Handover Pack

8. Customer Handover

  • We provide guidance on monitoring and maintenance.
  • You'll understand warranty terms and maintenance.

Embrace solar PV in the UK with Solent Renewables. Transition to clean energy, reduce your carbon footprint, and enjoy the financial rewards of solar power.

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